Chemical Testing

Chemical Testing



When quick results are needed, spectrographic analysis by APL Inc. is the answer. Both speed and repeatable accuracy are gained through the use of a computer-controlled, direct reading, optically emitting, ark spark spectrometer. The spectrometer will perform its analysis on the majority of the solid samples submitted, and is programmed to cover virtually all of the standard engineering alloys. A digitally generated data file of all elements required in ASTM standards is retained for future reference.

Carbon, Sulphur, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Oxygen Analysis

Traditional Spectrographic techniques for the determination of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen can be inherently inaccurate. Thanks to the use of LECO analyzers, APL can determine the concentrations of these elements in a sample with an exceptionally high degree of accuracy.


XRF and EDS Analysis

The techniques of Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) applied in conjunction with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) are used in determining data on a range of valuable parameters:

  • Mode and origin of failures
  • Corrosive element determination
  • Microscopic chemistry
  • Microscopic defect
  • Surface analysis
  • Particle analysis
Corrosion products, inclusions and other very small but important constituents of castings and forgings are identified through use of the SEM/EDS combination. Stag and other various Ferro-Alloys can be analyzed using our XRF analyzer. This instrument provides us with a high degree of accuracy and precision when determining these materials - something that a spectrometer cannot do. When it comes to analyzing unknown materials, the XRF can provide us with semi-quantitative results which leads us and the customer in the right direction for identification and replication.